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University Of Washington

Featured Story Slideshow


'Kind of a crazy idea'

UW Professor David Baker was awarded a Nobel Prize for his success with ‘the almost impossible feat of building entirely new kinds of proteins.’

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Blazing a trail with wildfire research

A national increase in wildfires has sparked UW researchers to respond in many ways — from developing safety technology to uncovering long-term hazards.

Wildfire research



CoMotion, the UW’s innovation hub, is helping accelerate bioengineering professor Valerie Daggett’s quest to detect and treat Alzheimer’s earlier.

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Water matters

The UW’s Population Health Initiative, now in its eighth year, is working to address flood concerns along the Duwamish River.

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Be Boundless

News & Events

Cherry blossoms closeup
Cherry Blossom Watch

UW cherry blossoms’ peak bloom expected mid-March

The University of Washington invites the community to enjoy the iconic Quad cherry blossoms on campus this spring. The 29 cherry trees in the UW Quad usually draw large crowds on campus and reach peak bloom the third week of March, and this year is on track to meet that timing.

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UW campus aerial shot with Seattle landscape

ShakeAlert gets first Washington test

A 4.5 magnitude earthquake jolted awake many residents of the San Juan Islands early on March 3. The quake triggered the ShakeAlert early warning system that researchers at the UW helped developed.

Learn about ShakeAlert

Pregnant person holds pill bottle
Health and Medicine

Study: Child ADHD risk linked to mother’s use of pain reliever

The risk of developing ADHD was three times higher among children whose mothers used the drug during pregnancy.

Study overview

Fast Facts

Honors & awards

8 uw faculty have won the nobel prize

Undergrad research

8000+ undergraduate students participate in at least one quarter of research.


The UW was named the most innovative public university in the world by Reuters in 2019.